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Die Kommunistische Partei-Zeitung
der Internationalen Kommunistischen Partei 9.8.18
the Communist Party newspaper of the International Communist Party |
Issue 9 | Aug. 2018 | 40p 60 ¢ 6kr
unterscheidet unsere Partei- der von Marx bis Lenin, bis zur Gründung der 3.
Internationale und der Geburt der Kommunistischen Partei Italiens in Leghorn
(Livorno) 1921 und bis zum Kampf der Italienischen Kommunistischen Linken gegen
die Degenerierung von Moskau bis zur Wiedererrichtung von Volksfronten und
Koalitionen von Widerstandgruppen- der Wiedererweckung einer revolutionären
Doktrin und eines Parteiorgans, das mit der Arbeiterklasse in Kontakt steht,
außerhalb der personellen Politik und Wahlmanövern.
WHAT DISTINGUISHES OUR PARTY – The line running from Marx to Lenin to
the foundation of the Third International and the birth of the Communist Party
of Italy in Leghorn (Livorno) 1921, and from there to the struggle of the
Italian Communist Left against the degeneration in Moscow and to the rejection
of popular fronts and coalition of resistance groups – The tough work of restoring
the revolutionary doctrine and the party organ, in contact with the working
class, outside the realm of personal politics and electoralist manoevrings
the demagoguery of the rulers on duty, would be put at risk by the
imported products. Obviously, we Communists understand well that the American
impositions, which seem to blatantly violate the foundations of the "free
market" and the much adored "globalization", in the name of
which the imperialist brigands compete for market dominance, do not have a
trade basis such as the reduction of the deficit, but a political and strategic
one. Nevertheless speaking of "war" in general at this stage sounds
more like a catch phrase than like a real fact. Although every war begins by
looking for allies; and the threat to the productive capabilities of allies and
vassals in NATO or SEAT, and of rivals such as Russia and China, is one of the tools in this
strategic readjustment. One objective is that the European Union, and in
particular Germany, take restrictive measures against Russia and China. The containment, if not even
blocking, of gas sales made by Russia would play a strategic role for the
US. For Europe, where Germany, the eighth supplier of steel to
the USA, is leading, another American objective is to
make the rebellious NATO allies bear the cost of common defence and to disjoin
a laborious Union that already tends to crumble on
its own. It is necessary to realign the allies on a military level, continuing
the imperialist policy as it is developing in this millennium, breaking an
alliance that would place them isolated from the overseas dominus. For their
part, Mexico and Canada are involved in the revision of
NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Treaty, and the threat of tariffs plays
its part in a Leonine contract as the United States has in mind. It is certain that the
war will really have to start sooner or later, initially on the trade front,
and will certainly be to the detriment of countries whose economy and trade are
threatened with duties, including China. Even if today, in fact, after an
initial phase of protests, the positions of all the contenders have softened
and negotiations have discreetly resumed. The indications of this “unilteral
decision”, which seems to cancel out the very basis of the fake globalisation
and is articulated on different but competing levels, are clear. First of all,
they mark another of our theoretical victory: finally, they are clearing the
field of any infringement of mediations that would guarantee perpetual peace
between the imperialist robbers, whose huge production of goods will never be
able to compensate for, even in a global market without constraints and
tariffs. Secondly because they show what the level of friction between the
imperial blocs is at the moment and how the effects of the ten-year capitalist
crisis are pushing the States towards a future, perhaps not too far away,
conflict unfolded. This new and further step towards war does not come
unexpectedly to us. We knew that imperial monsters could in no way "co-exist",
not even commercially, from the dawn of our doctrine, even though the dream of
"reasonable" capitalism, of "fair and honest" trade, of
"virtuous" competition, continues to guide the illusions of the small
bourgeoisie, and ultimate shame, of the proletarian drunkenness of democracy
and of bourgeois "honesty". As if the evil of capitalism were
"dishonesty", fraud, and robbery. Therefore, we welcome these
ferocious, contemptuous decisions of the strongest towards the weakest. The
class rebound also passes from here.
U. S. A. The Profit of Destruction
Trump’s attack on Syria, coordinated with Britain and France, has claimed to have been in the
interest of the Syrian people and the world, by targeting chemical weapons.
This is a lie, the interest is of capital. Any threat of war or the
continuation of war by the bourgeoisie is a threat to the proletariat, not to a
nation or to a Constitution. The Constitutions of the ruling class, once a
document defending chattel slavery, now defend wage slavery and the trade of
the proletarian workforce. The proletariat must unite and organize against
these attacks, the Syrian bombings, along with other wars of profits, have been
a continuous crime against the working class world wide. As shown by Lenin two
years before the First World War, which he branded as imperialist, the only
correct action against any wars of imperialism is to unite the proletariat
against the bourgeoisie sending them to their deaths. “The conversion of the
present imperialist war into a civil war is the only correct proletarian
slogan, one that follows from the experience of the Commune, and outlined in
the Basle resolution (1912); it has been
dictated by all the conditions of an imperialist war between highly developed
bourgeois countries." The tactics laid out by Lenin in response to WWI are
as follows: “The following should be indicated as the first steps towards
converting the present imperialist war into a civil war: (1) an absolute
refusal to vote for war credits, and resignation from bourgeois governments;
(2) a complete break with the policy of a "class truce" (bloc
national, Burgfrieden); (3) formation of an underground organisation wherever
the governments and the bourgeoisie abolish constitutional liberties by
introducing martial law; (4) support for fraternisation between soldiers of the
belligerent nations, in the trenches and on battlefields in general; (5)
support for every kind of revolutionary mass action by the proletariat in
general. “
While we are not yet in the condition to know when a third war such as
that will break out, the neverending minor wars have certainly provided relief
to capital’s crises. However, the conditions of the capitalist world keep
worsening, after the growth that followed WW2, paid with proletarian sweat and
blood. As expanded by Marx in Capital, capitalism imposes surplus production in
order to keep appropriating surplus value, which leads to the destruction of
men and of the world. For capitalism to produce surplus a surplus population is
necessary. Although there is enough food and housing for us all, there must be
starving people, there must be homeless people. There must be unemployed, to
act as a reserve to force wages down. The Liberals and Progressives that make
up the Democratic Party, have also an interest in war, even when occasionally
they oppose specific actions, like the recent one in Syria, because they are
all agents of capital. It was the Democrats, for instance, to organize the
destabilization of Syria, wishing to oust Assad and defend
“democracy” and “moderate rebels”. Meantime the US allies in
The Communist Party #9 2 international-communist-party.org
the region, particularly Saudi Arabia, a capitalist state which maintains
a feudal structure, have brutally repressed Middle East and North Africa proletarians. Kuwait for instance, was encouraged by the
US and Saudi Arabia to side drill into Iraqi oil
fields, and overproduce oil past the agreed OPEC quotas. Saddam asked what
would the US do in response to an invasion of Kuwait, which the Pentagon replied with
ambivalence, which in diplomatic terms is the same as a go ahead.
Then, knowing Saddam would not
respond to UN ordering withdrawal of Iraqi troops, Falsch
Hussein reagierte auf die UNO-Anordnung,
seine Truppen abzuziehen !!
the US lead a coalition to “save
democracy”, ignoring the simple and readily accessible fact that Kuwait was an absolute monarchy.
ignorierte den Umstand, dass Kuwait eine absolute Monarchie war !!!!
The nature of capital is seeking constant expansion to lessen its
tendency for the rate of profit to fall. The technicalities are not necessary
here. The destruction of Kuwait and Iraq provided capital room to expand.
This phenomena was most evident after the two Imperialist wars, where for
instance the US had massive economic booms in the
1920s and 1950s, as destruction was unequaled, and the death of the proletariat
and destruction of capital and commodities provided ample room to grow in formerly
oversaturated markets. The war policies of the US are completely resulting from this.
„Die USA
hatte hohe ökonomische Zuwächse und es war kein Raum für die übersättigten
Kriegspolitik der USA resultierte komplett daraus !“
From Korea, to Vietnam, to civil wars in Africa and South and Central America, destruction brings profits, and
arms manufacturers expand.
„Saddam war
dann weniger als kooperativ, als das, was man sich nach dem 1. Golfkrieg erhoffte!“
Saddam was less than cooperative than what was hoped after the First
Gulf War.
Following 9/11, which was partly responsible for mid ranked Saudi
officials, the US immediately invaded Afghanistan,
„Nach dem
9.11., in dem teilweise Saudiarasbische Politiker mit verantwortlich waren..“
Hört, hört
a proposal that Democrats voted for. Rebuilding the World Trade Center turned a profit as well, while the
workers, firefighters, and rescue volunteers were to suffer lung disease and
cancer without any aid from the government. The priorities of the government
was elsewhere, and the government passed acts to limit anti-war expressions.
Then, the War on Terror started. It is often joked about that you
can't win a war against a concept, such as the “War on Poverty” or “War on
Drugs”. These wars aren't meant to be “won”, but to run a profit. From the
turning overhead costs of education and healthcare into commodity capital; to
acquiring slave labor in prisons, destroying countries to civil wars and coups,
and actually selling drugs (like the CIA did). The war on terror is the same.
Para-military corporations, arms manufacturers, infrastructure firms,
oil companies and oil miners, private contractors, etc. all make profits off
young men and women forced to kill, and who come back with the mental and
physical scars of war, if they come back at all. Iraq in particular had a lot of oil, and
would provide a pipeline route, reducing overhead costs in transportation. The
Democrats (including Clinton) and Republicans coordinated to
raise profits through the spilling of blood of hundreds of thousands, a process
still continuing and issues given lip service by the “brave” anti-war Democrats
with the situation in Syria. The expansion of the drone program
under Obama is also telling. The costs of taking care of soldiers and their
families when they suffer is not only an overhead cost capital wishes to
eliminate, but is also bad publicity. Drone manufacturers make their profit,
and other corporations will expand into the burned and leveled homes of the
innocent. Drones reduce overhead costs of transportation and maintenance of the
living soldiers. As with all things, capital’s inorganic part grows faster than
its organic part, and the reset is needed every so often to combat the trend of
rate of profit falling. So is the case in every country the US invaded. Syria is in the same position. While not
having much oil, it would provide a route for an oil pipeline, further reducing
overhead costs. What better way to abuse the proletariat than to throw alleged
support to one “rebel group”, giving Assad legitimacy in crushing his
opposition brutally (Assad is to be fully opposed as the enemy of the working
class, along with all leaders of all states and their lackeys)
IHREN LAKAIEN“ ( Na, Klar ,doch!!)
WURDE ASSAD DANN VON 87% DER BEVÖLKERUNG GEWÄHLT?, and the use “illegal means of
killing” provides legitimacy in invasion. It matters not which
Mittel des Tötens zogen die Legitimität einer Invasion nach sich !“
side used chemical warfare, the inter-bourgeoisie struggle of the US capital and Russian capital in Syria does nothing but slaughter the
„Es wäre
schon egal, wer chemische Waffen eingesetzt hat, die Inter-Bourgeoisie des
US-Kapitals, oder das russische Kapital…Leiden tut das Proletariat !!“
leave families aching at the loss of their loved ones, and many more
fleeing to better places. These better places treat them with contempt and open
arms at the same time. There are two forces of capital at work: contempt by the
petty bourgeoisie, open arms by liberal capital and liberal petit-bourgeois.
Migrants and refugees provide cheap source of labour-power to exploit. This is
why Starbucks, Chobani, and Walmart for instance are taking the “brave and
righteous stand against racism, xenophobia, and bigotry”. Who else would be
less able to demand better working conditions and wages than people who come
out of a warzone? First bomb and destroy their homes, then pretend to bother
about their welfare. They need democracy, after all, and this is democracy!
This caring is best shown when Obama deported 600,000 people from the US, then proceeding to show any
inclination of a heart when children made dangerous journeys on foot to America. If a section of capitalists allows
protection of the worst paid, it does so only to avoid the competition taking
advance of it. This trend is also hundreds of years old, for instance when one
group of capitalists in Great Britain in the 1840-50s had to limit child
labor, this was the same group of capital that forced the restrictions on all
other domestic industries. There was, and is, an unspoken agreement to continue
to exploit children in poorer areas of the world, and to constantly undermine
attempts to limit child labor there. Let it also be known that more
exploitative conditions, such as slavery, have recently experienced a rapid
spike, thanks to Obama's intervention in Libya.
A remarkable achievement for our first black president, the re-emergence
of the slave trade in North Africa! We’re guessing this wasn't the Change and Hope slogans weren't meant
for the people being beaten and malnourished in slavery, unless the Change was
from an already bad situation to an even worse one! Let it be known that no
state or democratic posturing is in the interest of the proletariat. Democracy
is a trap in which any petit-bourgeois and bourgeois reforms are made to seem
wanted by the “people”, and the promised economic growth would be to the
benefit of all classes. Even the war would be fought and won by the whole
society, and all classes would be benefited by it. Society in its entirety
would periodically decide its own destruction and oppression, as a matter of
fact always to the advantage of the top classes. We wish to destroy this
society that causes so much destruction and suffering, so that we can finally
live in a human society. One where there is no class of people to sell their
labor-power to earn their survival, while the capitalist class profits off
unpaid, alienating labor. There is no interest of the proletariat in any
political party inside any Congress or Parliament or Diet or in any President
or Prime Minister or whichever agent of capital puts on a smile in a suit or a
dress or a pant suit or in casual wear.
The interest of the proletariat is the
revolutionary overthrow of the bourgeoisie and their lackeys. For only a war of
liberation of the proletarian class can end all wars.
This is to be done with the coordination of the proletariat’s class
party, the Communist Party, able to rally the proletarian class and the
deserters from other classes. The conditions of organization of the proletariat
are in a very poor state. This is why to all haters of the current society
The Communist Party #9 3 international-communist-party.org
we say that we must support the rebirth of local labor organizations,
„Wir müssen
die Wiedergeburt von Arbeiterorganisationen organisieren und mit
Gewerkschaftsorganisationen brechen!“
both against the immediate boss and the class of the bosses; coordinate
with other labor organizations and break with labor organizations that
irreversibly betrayed workers interests. Defy all limitations on ability to
strike and negotiate, including if it is illegal for you to strike. The
communist workers will inform and help organize local struggles, in view to
restore proletarian class unity. Thus organized, in its party and in its
unions, the working class can once again make immediate economic demands to the
bosses and to the states. In such a situation the proletariat will be in a
position to turn any wars of imperialism into civil wars,
„In so
einer Position kann das Proletariat jegliche Kriege des Imperialismus in
Bürgerkriege ummünzen“
in which the workers and all the oppressed can overthrow, forever and
internationally, the power of its enemies and oppressors.
Behind the Farce of the 19th Congress of the Chinese
"Communist" Party
The Power and the Frailty of a Great Imperialist Country Comments in the
bourgeois press on the 19th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) all
agree when it comes to praising the confirmation of President Xi Jinping, being
anointed as the third most powerful president of the People's Republic after
Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping. Even a stuffy review like The Economist dedicated
its cover to the "most powerful man in the world". Once again, an
impotent bourgeoisie feels the need to dream about great leaders. Without having
to make any political distinctions, everybody agrees about giving importance to
the efforts and personal qualities of Presidents and Prime Ministers in
influencing both past and future events. Indeed, for the bourgeoisie and its
hack writers, the progression of history is governed by brilliant leaders,
deceitful or thoughtful in turn. And the hacks get all excited and fawning in
reverent admiration for some personality, who, in reality, is pretty trivial.
The more capitalist society rots, the more spreads the religious belief that
from the great and powerful we can expect either salvation or doom. According
to this belief, history is determined by "men of destiny" and by
their comings and goings at the world's capitals, either in the American, the
Russian or the Chinese way. Our Italian comrades would call these 'great
leaders' a bunch of 'battilocchi'. A “battilocchio” is a lad who strives for
attention while displaying his own utter emptiness at the same time. Marxism
has always questioned the role of individuals in social processes and in
particular the role of great personalities. Engels wrote: "for a great man
to be born in a certain age and place, naturally is a sheer accident. But, if
we dispose of them, the demand for a substitute immediately takes place; and
without much further ado, that substitute will be eventually
found". Marxism recognizes the authentic engine of History in the economic
material necessities of the classes, in the context of a given production
process and their social struggle. It's these circumstances which require the
arrival and success of certain individuals. It is history which plays with
these supposed 'superhumans', not them with it. Almost a century ago, in 1924,
we asserted that "our theory of leadership is far away from all the
idiocies with which theologies and official politics prove the need of popes,
kings, "first citizens", dictators, Duces, all poor puppets who
deceive themselves in believing they are making history". So it's
obviously for the sake of Chinese capitalism that Xi Jinping's "political
vision" has been added to the Party's Constitution; a privilege that up
till now has been reserved for Mao Zedong. In 1997 "Deng Xiaoping's
theory" was introduced in the Constitution of the Party, though Deng
Xiaoping was already dead. From a Marxist point of view, Mao, Deng and now Xi,
who are being celebrated as "great helmsmen", are only
representatives of three different periods of the national history of China. From Mao to Deng, National
Independence and Capitalist Development As a result of the impositions of the
imperialist States, which pushed themselves to engaging the shameful Opium
Wars, China, which is now characterizing itself as a
worldscale capitalistic power, thus capable of sustaining a competition with
the old powers which came to their own status by centuries. was in a miserable
state at the beginning of the 20th Century. Unlike India and other colonial countries, China entered modern history as
"everybody's colony". Soon the export of capital to China prevailed over that of industrial
products. To protect their investments, the great powers agreed to partition
the country into spheres of influence In Beijing, the foreign diplomatic corps
controlled the Chinese state’s finances. The imperialistic rule, that firstly
weakened the imperial dynasty and ended up eliminating it completely, produced
in China the dismembering of its land. Indeed, without
a centralized power, it ended up under the rule of the so called warlords, that
is the military leaders, paid by the imperialistic powers, who detained the
rule through the use of mercenary armies made up of landless peasants. A
warlord's regional control corresponded to the sphere of influence of the
country which aid them. The warlords protected the interests of imperialism and
the foreign backed bourgeoisie by exploiting the proletariat of both the cities
and the countryside and by taking control over the country's wealth. The weak
national bourgeoisie, while being conscious about the need to get rid of imperialist
oppression and reestablish national unity, lacked the needed strength to
achieve its aims. China in the early 1900s was fraught with
bourgeois revolution. Ahead of it was not only the the essential task of
gaining national independence, but also enacting agrarian reforms - a
precondition of for industrial development. Although it was unclear if such a
task would need to be carried out by the bourgeoisie or the proletariat. In
1911, a top down revolution had overthrown the imperial dynasty and established
a bourgeois republic under the presidency of Sun Yat-sen. Soon an inconsistency
The Communist Party #9 4 international-communist-party.org
The newborn republic was immediately killed off by the interference of
warlords. The warlords were encouraged by the bourgeoisie itself, proving that
class to be incapable of fulfilling even the tasks of its own revolution. This
principally in the fear of not being able to control the powerful forces of the
proletariat and the peasants, since a revolutionary process would have
inevitably set these forces in motion. So the Chinese bourgeoisie was in
conflict with the warlords, but was also tied to them for the sake of
repressing the proletarian movement. And in 1911 Sun Yat-sen, President of the
Republic, passed over his government's power to the regional warlords. It was
clear, as in Russia, that the national bourgeoisie,
with its own forces, would have not been capable of leading its revolution to
success. In the meantime a new fact began to have a decisive influence over
world events. World War One caused the outbreak of the Russian revolution. The
proletarian victory in October 1917 shocked the world. Each country having to
make a choice: revolutionary communism or bourgeois counterrevolution. The
strategy of the Communist International theses on the colonial question was to
connect class struggle in the main capitalist countries with the national
revolutions going on in the colonies. Such a world strategy would have put
communist Russia at the revolutionary epicenter,
which in a complex cycle, which would have ended up overthrowing capitalism
worldwide. Just like in Russia, the working class, in alliance with the
peasants, ripped off their chains - that is the chains of capitalist and
landlord power - and put an end to an imperialist war. While in the west,
proletarian revolution was on the agenda, in the backward countries, such as China, a struggle for a double
revolution, guided by the communists in the form of a soviet regime, was not
only feasible, but proper in the point of view of revolutionary communism. The
emergence of Stalinism, and the overthrowing within the proletariat’s own power
in Russia put this perspective to an end.
Stalinismus setzte der Macht des Proletariats in Russland ein Ende!“
A triumphant worldwide counter-revolution, especially in Russia, handed the Chinese proletariat to
the bourgeoisie. Stalinism stood as a dominant force in Russia and the International during the
period of 1923 to 1927. The Chinese Communist Party was forced to kowtow to the
bourgeois Chinese nationalist party, the Kuomintang. The CPC had lost any chance of the
independent struggle needed for a revolutionary victory. The giant
revolutionary efforts of the Chinese workers and peasants were drowned in
blood. The tragic epilogue turned out to be in year 1927. In March of that
year, the particularly numerous and combative proletariat of Shanghai (the most important industrial and
port city in China) rose up and took over the city.
For the dominant position Shanghai had in China's economic life and for the recent
developments in the revolutionary workers and peasants movement, this episode
could have given the Chinese revolution a totally antibourgeois direction.
Instead, the Communist Party and the working class organizations who were in
power submitted to Moscow's guidance and handed over their rule to Chiang
Kaishek, who not long after broke his alliance with the communists and turned
to full repression, imprisoning and mass killing communists and workers,
destroying both their trade unions and their political organizations. The Shanghai massacre was only the first of many
more massacres that took the working class and the peasants down. The year 1927
stands for the victory of counter-revolution and the defeat of the
revolutionary proletarian movement in China. A revolutionary movement shall
come back to life only after the second world war, starting with the most
and rural areas of China, with a completely different class
characterization, being nationalist and anti-imperialist, yet not communist. It
was from those regions that Mao's peasant armies ran rampant and conquered the
towns. The following events and the character of the Chinese revolution itself
that made China in 1949 turn into an independent nation, can only be explained
under the light of the tragic facts that happened in the 20s. The defeat of the
Chinese proletariat and the repression it had to face, helped the shifting of
the revolutionary movement from the towns to the countryside and the full
overturning of its character from a class point of view. The following
revolutionary movement in China featured a completely absent
proletariat and may be considered to be a petit bourgeois-peasant movement,
enclosed in the frame of its national revolution. The party in the lead of this
movement at the time, notwithstanding it continued to label itself Communist
Party, didn't have any more features to qualify as one: in its own words, it
became the "authentic Kuomintang", or conversely, the authentic
representation of the interests of the bourgeoisie and the small Chinese
nationalist bourgeoisie. The social constituent basis of the CPC was composed by peasants and their
main purpose became the achievement of the national unity and independence, not
for the sake of the proletarian dictatorship, but of the 'Four classes' block',
in other words of the bourgeois-driven development. Even if we define Mao's
party as reactionary for having forsaken the tactic of the double revolution
and the main line that would have brought to the proletariat's historical
affirmation, the final victory of CPC on the Kuomintang, and the installation of the
People's Republic of China, has represented an essential step from the point of
view of the installation of the modern capitalism. It in turn has, through a
long and tormented process, allowed the humongous development of Chinese
economy, and therefore the rising of a modern proletariat, clustered and
powerful, which is the forthcoming terminator of bourgeois society. Since its
own beginning, the Chinese national revolution had to fulfil its historical
goal of developing capitalism, facilitate commerce and the industrialization of
the whole enormous country, since then dominated by an unbounded and backward
rural world. Even though traitors and counterfeiters had announced the
"construction of socialism" in China and in other places, our Party has
always countered that such "socialism"
Sozialismus‘ in China bedeutete nur eine weitere Akkumulation von Kapital und
Ausweitung der Marktökonomie.. Maos Denken war nichts anderes, als der Ausdruck
einer bürgerlich-demokratischen Revolution in China und eine weltweite
anti-proletarische Konterrevolution“
only meant a further accumulation of capital and the extending of market
economy. Anyhow we underlined the great historical significance of those
events, and the figure of Mao was a part of this great historical process.
"Mao's thought" wasn't other than the expression of the
bourgeois-democratic revolution in China and the worldwide anti-proletarian
counter-revolution. The national unification was a necessary material
precondition of the process of accumulation of capital in China, for the making of a domestic
market between the towns to trade and the countryside, the development of
capitalistic economic relations based on waged labour and its associated work
and mechanization, in the real perspective of a proper process of
industrialization. Mao's economic program consisted essentially in
nationalizing big companies and banks and actuating the agrarian reform.
Wirtschaftsprogramm bestand im Wesentlichen aus der Nationalisierung von
Fabriken, Banken und einer Agrarreform“
In spite of Mao's verbal extremism, that was so passionate about a so
called Chinese road to socialism, skipping the capitalist phase, its program
was pretty much exactly a democratic-bourgeois revolutionary program. The
Maoist program differed slightly to the Kuomintang's, having added to Sun
Yat-sen's "Three People's Principles" - i.e.
The Communist Party #9 5 international-communist-party.org
nationalism (Mínzú Zhǔyì), democracy (Mínquán Zhǔyì) and
people's wealth (Mínshēng Zhǔyì) - some other measures such as the
eight-hour working day and a agrarian reform defined as "radical".
The Agrarian Reform Indeed, the first important act of the Chinese Popular Republic was the Agrarian Reform Law of June
1950. This reform was perfectly compatible with the bourgeois regime. We may
cite the first article just to leave no doubt about it: "the system of
peasant land ownership shall be introduced in order to set free the rural
productive forces, develop agricultural production, and thus pave the way for
new China’s industrialisation". At first the reform seamed to realize the
millenial dream for a egalitarian repartition of the farmland. The new Law ensured
each individual under the age of 16 a minimum of 2 to 3 mu of farmland (15 mu make a
hectare, around 6 mu make an acre) depending on the region. This meant in
practice that a family of five would be given an hectare of land. Land
ownership implied that the new land owner would acquire also the right to buy,
sell or rent their own land. The distribution of land was carried out
especially at the expense of the landowners, whose land, draught animals,
agricultural equipment, cereal surpluses and rural buildings were confiscated
without compensation (though they still had the right to receive 2 to 3 mu of land just like all the rest).
Apart some exceptions both the land of the rich farmers cultivated by
themselves or with the help of waged labour and the rich farmer's other
possessions were protected and could not be affected; just like the other small
plots of land they owned and rented. Apart some exceptions both the land of the
rich farmers cultivated by themselves or with the help of waged labour and the
rich farmer's other possessions were protected and could not be affected; just
like the other small plots of land they owned and rented. The land of the
average farmers, including the ones better off, was inviolable without any
exception. In this way almost half of the area under cultivation (47 million
hectares) was distributed among 300 million peasants, who had themselves
assigned about 0.15 hectares each, i.e. 2.3 mu. Yet the distribution of the
farmland could not be the definite solution of the agrarian question in China. Since centuries the Chinese
farmland was extremely fragmented: indeed the land, even if possessed by a
rather small number of landowners, was divided into small plots and rented to
the peasantry. The land indeed was already divided, and a further massive
division would not solve the problem at all. This is why until year 1927 the
revolutionary proletariat claimed the nationalization of the farmland, since
this would have lead to the development of big state companies conducted by
waged workers with the use of modern means of farming. The watchword of the
division of the farmland was typically the average farmers', that is of those
farmers who already cultivated a small plot of land and who wanted to get rid
of the heavy landlord's rent. With the reform the rent was replaced by a state
tax a high as 17-19% of the harvest's value. If the agrarian reform eliminated
the landlords and a small part of the rich farmers, with the distribution of
all the former's farmland and of part of the latter's, making the peasants free
to cultivate without having to pay a rent to the landowner, such undeniable
advantages could not minimally change the relations of production in the
countryside, because of the excessive fragmentation of the farms and the
extreme backwardness of their farming technology and their farming methods who
both carried jarred with the needs of capital
accumulation. The division of the farmland, brought to better living
conditions for the peasants, yet it did not imply any growth of the productive
forces and did not make agricultural surpluses available. The peasants were all
worried about reaching a better living conditions and methods of farming of the
small plots stayed the same around for thousands of years. So when the
bourgeois state asked for money, the farmlands ignored the state's call, since
the agricultural surplus amounted to 30 million tons of cereals, so it was all
absorbed by the peasants. Yet already significant signs of social polarization
appeared such as the buying and selling of farmland, loan sharking etc. The
boundless small farmer family lead production became the swamp which blocked
the projects of rapid industrialization. The low productivity of the parcelled
agricultural property out of lease was unable to fully absolve the bluntly
bourgeois task of forming and developing a national market, it was not capable
of supplying surplus value to the cities and excesses of agricultural products
necessary for the industrialization and to feed a grown army of proletarians.
The industrialization was slowdowned by the underdeveloped countryside, without
machines and capital. Both to overcome such unfavourable material matter of
facts and for fear of not managing to control the social differences that were
emerging in the countryside, in the mid 50s the regime launched the
cooperatives' and Communes movement. The disturbing mass campaigns that were
being organized were inspired by old principles that have always been present
in the thousands of years lasting Chinese history: collectivity is higher than
the individual and the state has an indisputable supremacy. But the fundamental
point over which such initiatives were based on is the fact that such
initiatives could count on the only wealth that a backward country such as China could have, that is millions of
men. The energy and direct interests of the peasant masses were used as a
leverage to deal with a new immense task: now it was not a question of
supplying the central state with surplus value and more food for the sake of
developing the industrial sector, instead, it was a question of substituting
the industrial sector itself with a small village industry that would have used
the available technical resources around and the workforce that exceeds the
work at the fields and the stalls. Yet the toil of the peasant communities to
meet such a new task not only produces exceeding capitals, it also ended up in
complete failure. Also for the bad meteorological and climatic conditions, such
a toil resulted just in misery and famine. The productive forces, which do
never abide by the domination nor of the governments, neither by the
personality of men, the latter great or not, imposed their own rhythm: a sudden
recoil shook a regime that used to be in office, safe and sound until then. The
failure of these gigantic mass campaigns, the Great Leap Forward and the
Commons movement had as their consequences a first harsh crisis in Peking's
regime, but, maybe still on the trail of the great victory of the previous
decade, which meant power and prestige, it was able to keep the structure of
the Party and of the State both solid and united. Mao Zedong had to leave Liu
Shaoqi in charge of the Presidency of the Republic, which didn't have the
meaning of a simple substitution of men: at the opposite, it was the initial
display of the clash of enormous social forces, which would have pervaded the
immense space of China for the subsequent 20 years, with more or less memorable
facts, including the sodefined Cultural Revolution The failure of that first Maoist
mobilization granted new power to theses which had already been conceived in
the 50's and disregarded as "right-wing". The deepest problem, and
yet the most dreadful for the growth and development of China
The Communist Party #9 6 international-communist-party.org
since the Republic's foundation was a social structure still revolving
around agriculture for the most part of it. According to the industry's own
needs, the productivity of the rural world had to be increased and the latter
should have focused on producing for the market, not for direct consumption.
Likewise, the national industry was powerless about stocking the countryside
with necessary tools to meet such expectations of mechanization and
modernization, which would have allowed such productivity increase, because of
its insufficient development at the time. The overcoming of China's belated industrial development
had in its premises the expropriation of tens of millions of peasants,
therefore obliged to leave the land, and once depleted of their basic goods, to
flow into the outskirts of the cities, thus starting their proletarization.
But, a quick process of this kind awed the Communist Party in office, because
of the necessity to carry out both its management and control, all the above avoiding
to throw the constituted order into hazard. Since the early 1950s, In order to
provide a solution to this problem, two main lines already emerged in the CPC. The first had a firmer resolution
to rapidly offer a solution to the rural issue by putting the necessary reforms
into action, to implement the capitalist system into the context of agriculture
also. The second was more concerned about any possible effects such reforms
could be able to cause, more conservative and with less impatience of rendering
them effective. The latter tendency kept into proper consideration that the
recent rise to the power of the CPC was made possible by the support accorded by
the peasants, of which the approval couldn't afford to be lost. Through the
Great Leap Forward, such tendency attempted to reach the goal of
industrialization by the "peasant" path, resorting to forced and
gratuitous mobilizations of workforce. Not out of aesthetic nuances, but basic
necessity, these mobilizations required a society with a strong egalitarian
connotation, absolutely collective, to fight back against every kind of
"individualism" and thwart social polarization. The so-defined
"right-wing" tendency, more conscious of the necessity to introduce
reforms, argued that, since the State was not able to finance the intake of
capitals in the countryside, if not in a way that would have deemed utterly
insufficient, it was to be a part of the peasant themselves to deal with such
historical duty, thereby thriving on land, machinery and capitals. It would
have been necessary then to invite the peasants to trade and thrive such that
the State could have the chance to reinforce its control structure, and keep in
its hands the formidable leads of the monopoly over the dairies' commerce, the
allowances for residence and transfer to the population to prevent an excessive
and uncontrolled urbanization from happening. Both of these conflicting lines,
even if they were given off as left- and right-wing, were corresponding to the
needs of the national economy, to the necessity of developing capitalism and
both if them were bourgeois lines. Notwithstanding their differences, they were
in accord upon each other on the need of devolving every resource to the
capital's reproduction and the accumulation. Afterwards, we can say that the
so-defined "right-wing" line was likely envisioning one safer and
quicker perspective of industrialization, resolved to hastily precipitate a
large fraction of the immense peasant class in the hell circle of the
proletarization and the salary work. Afterwards, we can say that the so-defined
"right-wing" line was likely envisioning one safer and quicker
perspective of industrialization, resolved to hastily precipitate a large
fraction of the immense peasant class in the hell circle of the proletarization
and the salary work. It held the meaning to barely come back to the private
business in the countrysides, with the including freedom to sell land, buy it,
rent it, in order to favor a relatively quick ruin and
expropriation for the majority of the peasants, with the final
constitution of a modern, mechanized agriculture, based on privately run large
businesses. The Cultural Revolution taking place in the second half of the
1960s held the meaning of an attempt of the most conservative line to stop the
reformists in their track, so that they got expelled by their directive duties.
The propagandist affirmations and famous sentences must be put in the context
of the struggle between economic forces into place back then: it went by the
name Cultural Revolution, because it was the small bourgeois and the teachers
who were the most receptive, so they put themselves at the hands.of the Maoist
fraction of the Party and the State. For the definitive predominance of the
"reformist" line, China had to wait until the 11th CPC Congress in August 1977, which saw
the rise to the power of Deng Xiaoping. That way, the romantic heroic deeds of
the Chinese national revolution, that had shaken the enormous country for more
than 60 years long came to an end. It was the time for China to be faced with more pragmatic
issues. After dropping myths and illusions, the one and only remaining thing
was the categorical imperative to produce as much as possible, to carry out the
development of production forces, to decrease times and costs of production,
and of extending the capital constantly and safely in the unfathomable rural
world, still to be subverted and proletarized for the most part. In absence of
a victorious movement of the proletariat in other countries, equipped with a
fully mature capitalism, his stage has represented a necessary step for the
disruption of those pre-capitalistic production reports and property forms that
were bothersome to a further development of the productive forces, but this
eventually came at the price of a painful, blood-dropping path for the
proletarian generations who were affected by it. Xi Jinping and Chinese
Imperialism Present day China has concluded this awesome
development process of its productive forces, thus becoming 'the World's factory'
, the largest exporter in the entire world. China can today project is economical and
military power far beyond its own national borders, and it portrays itself on
world market as a freebooter among other freebooters, looking for raw materials
and new markets. It has begun to review its relationships with other States,
not just with close ones: it will be sufficient to mention the tensions in the
Southern and Eastern Chinese Sea, but it's posing even a threat to
the dominance of the greatest world-scale imperialism, the United States of America. Chinese imperialism is trying to
redefine the entire world's power balance, seeking to expand itself: it's not
doubtful that this powerful force corresponds to ideological reflexes, thus
requiring new forms to be theorized by the Communist Power in charge in China. The last CPC congress has then reconfirmed Xi
Jinping to the role of guide of the Party and the State, even contributing to
grow its myth. But, exactly as his illustrious predecessors, Xi is nothing else
than the product of a certain social situation, of a certain development level
of the productive forces, to which he cannot hold any opposition, no matter his
personal virtues. The so-called "Xi's thought" cannot but put itself
into accord with the powerful historical process that testifies the end of the
age in which China was forced to "hold a low profile", and the
beginning of a new historical phase, the third after the ones of Mao and then
Deng: the Chinese imperialist interests' outburst phase. Xi's thought, as
stated in the Congress, is summarized into
The Communist Party #9 7 international-communist-party.org
"14 Principles" which clearly express the imperialistic
maturation of China, as well as its desire to become a
worldscale power. The "Chinese dream" of the "Nation's
resurgence", a rhetoric tool characterizing all of China's leaders from
Sun Yat-sen onward, is today intended as the return to a role as world-scale
power after the humiliation suffered between 19th and 20th centuries: The
"Xi's Jinping thought" about a "Socialism with Chinese
characteristics for a new age" revolves around this very concept. The New
Silk Road An enormous importance is acknowledged to the New Silk Road Project
(Belt and Road Initiative, BRI), which refers to the new commercial routes
which, from China through Asia, will reach the heart of Europe. This project
has been explicitly included into the Party's Statute, among the "14
Principles", in order to elicit its relevance for the "Chinese dream"
of the "Nation resurgence". But nowadays China should not only find markets for
selling the humongous amount of goods it produces, it also need to make abroad
investments with the capital accumulated and already exceeding. Thus, its
foreign money reserve are, at a rough estimate, 3'000 billion dollars. BRI
project would allow a fraction of this capital to be invested for building
infrastructures in many of the 65 traversed countries, who host more than half
of the world population, three quarters of the energetic supplies, and a third
of the global gross domestic product. According to Morgan Stanley, the enormous
project requires 1'200 billion investments into roads, railways, ports,
electrical supply networks.
Seidenstrassenprojekt wird als imperialistisch abgetan !!
BRI would be the likely candidate for the largest project of investment
ever attempted, Taking inflation into account, it would surpass the notorious
Marshall Plan of at least 12 times. Through the creation of the Silk Road Fund
and of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, China has equipped itself
already with the necessary financial tools, but whatever public or private
entity in the world having an interest is called to take part to the project,
for example, during the Trump's visit in China an agreement was signed between
the American General Electrics and the Chinese Silk Road Fund. In addition to
the terrestrial link between China and Northern Europe, with its branch from Central Asia to Middle East, with the development of a
commercial zone throughout the whole Asia, a sea route, the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, has been also envisioned. It's a
pool of backing ports which will connect Chinese ports to those of Southern Europe through the Chinese Southern Sea
and the Indian
These infrastructures would cut the transportation time of goods, from Europe to China and backwards, of a significant
fraction. In the present day, they amount to 19 days by rail and 2935 by sea.
Recent Tensions Will China manage to complete their project? For starters, China's expansion gets in friction with
the American imperialism. Chinese projects do not invest only economical
aspects, but they have large scale strategical side effects, since Chinese
investments in other countries, as well as the financing of pompous infrastructures
allows China to expand their abroad economical interest, consequently
attracting the involved countries in its political sphere of influence.
Clearly, this is the answer to Pivot to Asia, the United States' strategy applied to the containment
of the economical and military rise of China in the Far East, envisioning empowered
relationships between the US and the countries
which perceive China as a threat. These include Japan, India, South Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Australia. With its own projects, China does not just address the Eurasian
continental area. As we mentioned in various previous articles, Peking claims to seize control over a
large part of the Chinese Southern Sea,
„Wie wir
schon in früheren Artikeln erwähnt haben, will Peking die Kontrolle über einen
Großteil des Chinesischen Südsee haben“
disputing its sovereign over the other coastal states: Vietnam, Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia. For this purpose, China is building artificial islands, in
the Paracel and Spratly islands, for military use in these waters. The goal is
to provide coast with protection from various attacks, and to control the
transit of merchant ships towards China. A rising China cannot indefinitely stand an
obtrusive US military presence in those waters.
wachsendes China kann die militärische Präsenz der USA in diesen Gewässern
nicht ungerührt lassen!“
On the other hand, the United States are opposed to China in the area,
both maintaining a substantial military force in their bases in the Pacific, and
striving to reinforce their long running relationships and alliances with those
Asian countries who feel threatened by China.
„Die USA
stehen China gegenüber, um eine substantielle Militärkraft in ihren Basen im
Pazifik zu haben, um ihre langjährigen Verbindungen und Allianzen mit den
asiatischen Ländern zu erneuern, die sich durch China bedroht fühlen!“
(dem heutigen Sankt Petersburg) ZU RECHTFERTIGEN !!
In its visit to Asia
last November, Trump has made stops in Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam and Philippines, having as a goal the reassurance
of his allies and restate America the engagement in the region. Trump
has even made a stop in China, where he met Xi Jinping. But,
other than the deployment of the honor guard, the menu of the banquet and the
itinerary of the visit to the Forbidden City, the two "great leaders"
had little to no chance of affecting the course of the events. The
Asian-Pacific region represents the pulsating heart of the world's economy.
It's in this area that the contrast between the imperialist countries will
become fiercer, and it's here that the direct clash between China and the United States will spark. In the present moment,
these contrasts are at a risk of an explosion because of the North-Korean
issue. The United States are trying to oblige China, under the threat of commercial
sanctions, to put North Korean nuclear ambitions to stop. But, if one hand
Peking cannot push too much the barrel into putting severe measures into action
against North Korea, because it doesn't want the crumbling of that regime, on
the other hand Pyongyang goes on with their missile and nuclear tests in order
to put their safety under warrant. The latest missile test occurred the 28th of
November. Having made the test only two months after the previous launch, this
made tensions grow in the region, to the point that an imminent war was
mentioned. Many have referred about Chinese military preparations in the
perspective of a possible conflict between North Korea and the US. China continues to promote talks between
the two countries, but nevertheless it also prepares countermeasures at the
Korean border. In the last months there has been a significant growth of
activities going on in that part of the country, including the growth of
military personnel and training. In the meantime Chinese media talk about a
possible imminent conflict in the Korean peninsula. The fundamental problem is
that the birth of a new, great imperialism has put on the top of the agenda the
issue of a new division of the world, in which context the Chinese imperialism
aspires to supersede the United States.
„In den
Medien wird über einen imminenten Konflikt auf der Koreanischen Halbinsel
gesprochen. Das Problem ist die Geburt eines neuen, großen Imperialismus (CHINA!!),
der eine neue Teilung der Welt eingeleitet hat, in dem sich der chinesische
Imperialismus anschickt, die USA zu überholen!
First and foremost, this is what the "Chinese dream" is about.
And in order to fulfill it, Chinese proletarians will be called to spill their
blood for the Nation. The constant rumors of an imminent war in Korea fostered
by the mass media of several involved countries, even if they may just be
regarded as propaganda, serve anyway the purpose to prepare the workers to the
moment when they will be called to "sacrifice themselves for the
Nation" when the latter will call them to arms. Chinese proletarians, as
well as those from all the other countries, must not side with their own
imperialism. The "dream" which the Chinese leaders brag
The Communist Party #9 8 international-communist-party.org
about, is nothing but an illusion to distract the proletarians from the
struggle in defense of their own interests, in order to stop retaliatory
struggles that are more and more increasing.
„Die chinesische
Arbeiterklasse sollte ihren Kampf für mehr Lohn, Senkung der Arbeitszeit,
Freiheit ihres Zusammenschlusses und Streiks…fortsetzen!“
Conversely, they should continue to extend the struggle for salary
increase, the shrink of working hours, the freedom of association and strike,
fueling class organization, the rebirth of class-wide workers:unions and the
rejoicing with the program of revolutionary Communism. The young Chinese
proletariat has a glorious tradition to rejoice with. It should resort back to
the methods of struggle and organization, which were proper of its first
working class generations. Albeit its inconsistency in numbers respect to the
peasants mass, the Chinese proletariat put itself in the lead of the revolution
in the 1920s. The workers' unions, which were nearly nonexistent in China
before the 1920s, have been created in those years, leading either struggles
and strikes which were authentic class wars, which left on the field a lot of
worker's blood, but also yet another historical confirmation that the proletariat
can fight for power and win, exactly as it happened for the victorious Shanghai
insurrection of ninety years ago. Today in China capitalist development has
decomposed the Chinese countryside, piled the proletarians in hundreds of
gigantic industrial metropolis, giving life to hundreds of Shanghai-like
cities. The "Chinese dream" of the "Resurrection of the
Nation" just translates into the nightmare of the exploitation for the
sake of the Capital and proletarians may safely assume that tomorrow the Nation
will call them to shed sweat and blood. The answer shall be like Shanghai in 1927: class war for the
overthrowing of the capitalist regime and the overtake of the power. No
illustrious name worth of commemoration have make it into History out of that
revolution, let alone a "great leader" to idolize. Anonymous
proletarians fought, with their class organization and their Party having their
backs. Let's leave to the bourgeoisie, coward and powerless, the cult of their
minions. In order to win, the proletariat doesn't have to wait the coming of
any great leader of sort. As we have repeatedly stated, the revolution will
rise its head once again, anonymous and dreadful. UK: Fast Food Workers Out on
May Day There have been some attempts in the past to organise workers well in
fast food restaurants, but these have faced real obstacles in maintaining any
form of organisation. There is now a more determined campaign to publicise
their campaign for organisation, recognition and pay rise to £10 per hour
across the board, which means the end of youth rates of pay, as well as
guaranteed hours of work. McDonald stores are in particular being targeted for
campaigns and demonstrations. Information on this campaign can be found on the
internet under #McStrike and @FastfoodRights. Demonstrations were held in five
centres, from Manchester, Cambridge and London, ending with a rally at Watford later on at the First May Rally.
The campaign began
shortly after midnight in Manchester on First May when the McDonald’s
restaurant on Oxford Street store’s staff member (Blaz Mesner,
a Slovenian worker) walked off his shift, to be greeted by those on the picket
line. The pickets returned later in the morning to continue the picket line.
That same morning saw a demonstration outside a McDonald’s in Cambridge at which some workers walked off
the job in support of higher pay and organising rights. Also at Crayford in
Bexley, South-East
London, a
demonstration took place in support of workers who had walked out for a second
time. The demonstrators came together at Watford, the home town of McDonald’s Boss. This parallels similar
campaigns in the US, which demands a minimum rate of
pay of $15 per hour.
Partei stellt Parallelen zwischen Streiks der Arbeiter in China und den USA
her. Wobei zu sagen ist, dass in China ca. 90 % der Bevölkerung eine Wohnung
ihr eigen nennen darf !
At the moment the campaigners are members of a small trade union, the
Bakers, Food and Allied Workers [BF&AW], who are affiliated to the Trades
Union Congress. The choice of this union is to give them some form of official
status while keeping as much control in their own hands. Although the
campaigners have banners with their union emblem on their banners, there is
little sign of the resources of the Bakers Union being available to them. Also
the fact that this same union is controlled by Trotskyists seems to make little
difference to the lack of official support. The campaigners are clear that
their movement is rank and file led, and it is likely to remain that way. That
politicals and MPs are providing support at the moment is only to be expected,
but how far that support will remain when the fight becomes determined remains
to be seen. The internet publicity is a way of communicating and organising themselves.
It also keeps the campaign under their own control, for the moment at least.
These May Day demonstrations by Fast Food Workers was a bright example of the
spirit of May Day and what it should be, rather than the subsequent rallies of
the official Labour movement pleading for the lessening of the nasty politics
of austerity and other aspects of a bankrupt society. Done with the Tories or
Done with Capitalism? After May Day there were marches (7th May in Liverpool
and 12th May in London) against the Tory Government to prove they will not
tolerate any further cuts in wages, or the general and progressive
deterioration of their living conditions. In the 10 years following the 2008
economic crash, workers have seen their purchasing power decline significantly,
with the cost of living steadily rising and their wages staying put, when not
actually decreasing. At the same time the amount of wealth amassing at the
other end of society (latest example: Persimmon boss receives £75 Million
bonus) has reached grotesque dimensions. As even mainstream media are forced to
admit, the world now sees the worst levels of inequality since records began.
No wonder Marxists are now starting to gain a wider audience. What will come
next? A change of government will not bring any gain whatsoever to the working
class. Once in power, the Labour Party, which claims to be defending the
workers interests, will promptly drop all its promises in the name of the
higher “national interest” (i.e., in the interests of capitalism and the fight
of UK capitalists against those of other nations). The Labour Party, that is,
once in power again, as is likely to happen, will deal with the declining rate
of profit by ramping up the level of exploitation of labour by increasing its
The Communist Party #9 9 international-communist-party.org
and the length of the working day, and by making it easier to hire and
fire through the use of part-time and agency workers, which has the additional
effect of driving a wedge between full-time and ‘temps’ status. And on the
latter issue, where solidarity between workers in full-time and those in
precarious employment is an urgent necessity, we will not hear much from the
trade union leaders. Workers have seen this drama happening over and over
again. To bring this perpetual ‘groundhog day’ to a close they need to build a
real and strong movement that is decidedly based on class demands, which will
mean leaving behind the illusion that their enemy, or false friends like the
Labour Party, with its insipid brand of acceptable radicalism, are going to
guarantee them a better life. What they need is to dedicate their energy to
rebuilding unity of action, rebuilding a class movement in the trade union
sphere on a territorial basis, focused on inter-sectoral actions, that chooses
not to place any faith in the parties and institutions of the enemy class. An
Arduous but Necessary Struggle The proletariat class has the ability to conduct
and win difficult battles. In their daily resistance against a system based on
ever increasing work exploitation, they should demand: ● Minimum wage for
all workers linked to the cost of living; ● Reduction of working hours
with wage levels maintained; ● A living wage for workers who have lost
their jobs; ● A general increase in pensions. With the unity of all
working class and the guidance of its own party, the proletariat – the class
that has to sell its labour, whether its individual members are in work or not
- will be able to defeat capitalism and free itself and humanity from the yoke
of wage labour and the ongoing farce of capitalist ‘planning’; which is so
patently unable to resolve the huge problems of war, the environment,
increasing population and, of course, the problems of unemployment, a living
wage and perpetual insecurity. Workers of the world unite! You have nothing to
lose but your chains.
You Can Find The ICP in these Cities: In North America: Akron/Cleveland, Denver, Montreal, New Haven, NYC & Portland, OR In Australia: Perth In New Zealand: Christchurch In the UK: Liverpool, London, Manchester, Reading
A letter from Brazil Strikes and the Situation in Brazil
The recent trucker strike started on May 21st and as of today, June
11th, it has not ended. First, we have to take into account that a good portion
of the striking truck drivers either belong to the petty bourgeoisie or they
are associated with a transport company,. This means that, while there is
legitimate revolt surrounding the price spike on fuels, there is also a
confluence of interests between the drivers and the bosses;, the end of
negotiations and the refusal of many drivers to end the strike made possible
the appearance of a sector of drivers disposed to assume classist positions,
that is, close to the demands of the proletariat, going further than the demand
of a reducing of fuel prices and better freight prices in demanding a raise in
wages and a cutting of work hours. The truck driver, as a member of the petty
bourgeoisie, often goes through many of the difficulties that any other work
goes through, but sometimes, their immediate interests end up aligned with the
capitalist class, their own bosses, this resulted in the initial collaboration
between the autonomous drivers and the employer’s union. This “fluidity” of
positions and alliances are characteristic of any petty bourgeois movement,
however, this should not mean an abandonment of intervention amidst the strike
or the general movement, not in a blind appropriation of the demands of the
drivers, but in an assertive and precise manner that aims to not only push it
away from it’s petty bourgeois positions towards the immediate demands of the
proletariat but also towards its historical program, communism. It is safe to
say that this strike also reveals a confrontation between sectors of the
bourgeoisie, in one side ‘shareholders’ of the present government and in the
other, the transport industry and international investors: the proletariat has
no interest in allying with either and should instead enjoy a renewed struggle.
This opportunity was followed by the declaration by Oil Workers of a 72 hour
strike calling for a reduction of fuel prices and the expelling of the current
president of Petrobras, Pedro Parente they join in this wave of strikes
teachers in Belo Horizonte and São Paulo, freight drivers, subway workers.
It is in the face of this opening and wave of activity that we turn our eyes to
the opportunist positions of Social democrats and “Marxists”: the official
leadership of our social democratic left has managed to align the position of
their bases in defense of the strikes, but don’t let yourself be fooled, they
did so in the interest of their electoral hopes, this is a guarantee that they
are “by the side of the people”, that the politics of PT are opposed to
Temer’s, that this crisis and instability would not take place in a government
that “fought for the worker”, the vote is again placed as an alternative to the
convulsions of the capitalist system. This support by the social democrats have
not lead to bigger mobilizations, no call for a general strike on behalf of
their unions, not even a defense of a new cycle of struggles, it is nothing
more than an opportunist declaration in time for the elections. Our “Marxists”
have not acted much different, PCB has
The Communist Party #9 10 international-communist-party.org
also declared its support, not for the opportunity of reorganization of
the class, but in defense of “our” companies, of the national interest of our
own bourgeois dictatorship and of the old lie of the “united front”; it’s here,
facing a notable opportunity to reaffirm revolutionary positions that we see
both the representatives of social democracy and of so-called communists
placing themselves always in a defensive position, in defense of democratic
guarantees, of “our” companies, of national interests and of every other cliche
made popular by the ‘left of capital’. It’s in the replacing of class struggle
for the defense of a “united front” and of democratic stability that we can
clearly see that their compromise is not with the proletariat and the
proletarian revolution but with the legitimation of the bourgeois dictatorship
we live under. We should not mistake ourselves over the consequences of this
process of confrontation, the disruption of the bourgeois State and the
intensification of social conflict will not take us straight to a revolutionary
upheaval, our situation can only be objectively revolutionary when the
class — more than breaks with the traitorous unions that abandoned
their struggle — founds their own class unions, their own organs
of struggle and assume a fundamental defense of the revolutionary program of
communism. What emerges from this wave of strikes is the necessity of a
response to the continuous attacks of the bourgeois against our class, it is
necessary, therefore, to organize a united front of the proletariat, based on
their demands, their strike committees, one that rejects conciliation,
cooperation and affirms a true classist organization. The class struggle,
therefore, can’t be directed by old or new electoral parties, but by its own
party, an organization of struggle that can transpose the limitations of the
economic struggle of the proletariat and direct the class towards a
revolutionary conclusion, this is the task undertook by the International
Communist Party. Even in Nicaragua, the Blood of the Proletariat is
Exposing “Socialism of the 21st Century”
It is not like the Nicaraguan government has become bourgeois and bloody
today, all the sudden.
nicarugianische Regierung, die die US/NATO lieber heute, als morgen, beseitigen
würden, wird von der vorstehenden „Kommunistischen Partei“als bourgeoise
Regierung gebrandmarkt !
werden verunglimpft: Bolivien, Ecuador,Argentinien, El Salvador und Honduras.
The Sandinista Front for National Liberation (FSLN) was already
bourgeois from its origins when, as a guerrilla movement, based on the
oppressed masses, it overthrew the government of Anastasio Somoza. Its
government later managed the interests of the bourgeoisie, securing social
control with propaganda, politicking, and violence. With the imposition of
Chavez in Venezuela, which waved the banner of
"Socialism of the 21st century", and the emergence of a series of
equally characterized governments in
Bolivia, Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina, El Salvador, and Honduras, the bourgeois government of Nicaragua has not hesitated to align itself
in spreading that populism and that demagoguery that have allowed the secure
perpetuation of capitalist exploitation and the growth of corporate profits.
The number of workers enrolled in the Nicaraguan Social Security Institute
(INSS) in March 2018 fell by 1.5%, with respect to the same month in 2017:
896,869 versus 910,621. In March, the nominal average monthly salary was
10,737.8 Córdobas, about 342 dollars. Between April 2017 and April 2018, the
rate of inflation was 4.75%. However, in Nicaragua, illegal employment, with low wages
and no social security, continues to be over 70%. Of the total population of
6,279,712, 50% are considered economically active; this also counts the
unemployed and those who worked only one hour. Agriculture is one of the main
activities of the country, representing 60 percent of exports, a with strong
employment, but there are also some industrial centers and the extraction of
precious minerals. The Government of Managua has also fulfilled its commitments
with the IMF, signed in 2005, when it had remitted the debt, as long as it
respected an adjustment plan for the economy, so much so that in 2012 the debt
of Nicaragua to the IMF was reduced to zero. In 2006 the
country also signed the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the Dominican Republic and the other states of Central America and the United States. In an agreement with Chinese
companies, the Government of Nicaragua in 2014 presented the "Great
Inter-Oceanic Canal" project: a blueprint of 278 kilometers, from the
mouth of the Punta Gorda river on the Caribbean coast to the mouth of the Brito river on the
Pacific coast, in which 50,000 workers would have to work. This project opens a
new space for trade and geopolitical confrontation between the United States and China. Therefore, in Nicaragua the capitalists are fine, although
with some contrast with the IMF regarding the policies to carry out regarding
pensions and social security, and with the US government mainly due to the
penetration of Chinese capital. So, for many years Nicaragua has not come on
the front pages of international newspapers: although the says only that which
the bourgeoisie wants to make known, and with distorted versions of reality,
the truth is that a lot of time has passed without it hearing anything of trade
union conflicts, of the social situation and the repressive action of the
government. But, as in a volcano, underground pressure accumulates until the
lava of social struggle explodes, pushed by the contradictions between capital
and labor . The government had announced a series of laws aimed at guaranteeing
the financial sustainability of the INSS, reforms that it intended to agree
upon with the representation of the businessmen, the Superior Council of
Private Business (COSEP). However, without having reached an agreement with
COSEP, it approved a decree that increased the contributions that companies and
workers deposit into the national pension system. COSEP rejected the decree
because it would have increased the cost of work, launching screams about the
reduction of competitiveness and the employment ability of the companies.
Obviously, it opposed the decree not in defense of workers, pensioners, and
social security, but because of the threat to corporate profits. The government
then admitted that the INSS would not have had the funds to pay pensions before
the end of the year. For this reason, the provision expected that the insured
workers would have paid more (from 6.25% to 7%), employers from 19% to 22.5%,
while to the pensioners the pension would have been reduced by 5% and the State
would have contributed,
The Communist Party #9 11 international-communist-party.org
although with a minimum. But last April a spontaneous explosion of rage
and protest surprised both the government and the various movements and
political groups. The reaction of the workers was immediate. Only the National
Employees Union supported the reform and saw some small concentrations of
public sector workers who expressed their support for the government, against
the "destabilizing violence of the right." The bourgeois government,
led by Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo, then ordered a massacre across the
country; proletarian
Ortega hätten gegen das eigene Proletariat gekämpft und ein Massaker
blood once again flowed through the paved streets in Managua, where
there were counted at least 27 dead, then in the cities of Masaya, Leon,
Esteli, Matagalpa, and Bluefields, with a further 50 dead and more than 400
wounded. The disproportionate military and police response against the
demonstrators came after more than a decade of strict political and repressive
control over the workers, of an intense action of suppression of their
organizations of defensive economic struggle, to expand the corruption and
capitulation of the existing unions. So That is why the reaction of the masses
to the reform of the social security system has needed necessarily to occur in
this manner, spontaneous and anarchic, since there do not exist forms of
class-based organization that can channel and direct the struggles. Naturally,
the official version, like that of all the "workers" and
"progressive" governments of Latin America, in line with "Socialism of
the 21st century", has proclaimed that in order to defend the workers that
this reform was imposed on the employer, and to "not bend to the
IMF." In this propaganda, the Sandinistas are accompanied by international
opportunism that repeats that Ortega has "faced the IMF" and the
"imperialist right", committed to destabilize his government, and
defends the working class. Thus, the government believed that to control the
reaction of the masses it would have been sufficient, as in the past, its
Collectives or its goon squads: it was not so. Although the university students
have also publicly protested in their pettybourgeois style, with them have
united vast strata of workers who mobilized in the area. They erected
barricades and there were street clashes. he government has turned off the free
wi-Fi that since 2014 had been installed in all public places, since it was
used to coordinate the protest actions. The situation has reached such
dimensions that the government has decided to call for dialogue and to review
the reform of the INSS with the business community. In the meantime, COSEP had
announced a demonstration for April 23 in Managua; the population of the capital
joined the procession of industrialists and the crowd overflowed. Later they
tried to broaden the negotiations also to the students and to the Church. On
April 28 it was the Church that announced a "Pilgrimage for Peace",
that had had again a massive participation. The government for its part
organized an event for the occasion of the 1st of May, ending with a speech by
President Ortega. The opposition movements have seen in this occasion the
possibility to increase their weak forces. They know that if the bourgeoisie
decided that the FSLN government no longer guarantees them the ability to
exploit the workers in a climate of social peace, as in recent years, it has
the possibility to choose between the opponents, who can equally guarantee
their interests. If COSEP rejects the reform of the INSS, because it damages
the interests of the employers, the businessmen have however benefited from the
government of a reduction of many taxes and have had facilitated the exploitation
of the workers. Moreover, COSEP, like the businessmen in all the world today,
push for an increase in the retirement age to 70 years and for the
increase in contributions the burden of the workers. The bourgeois solution
that has taken up the negotiations is clear in the points of order of the day:
investigations on the murders during the demonstrations; b) reform of the
electoral system to guarantee "free and transparent" elections; c)
institutional reforms that guarantee the "State of rights", and
elimination of corruption; d) resolution of the INSS crisis. Both the bourgeois
political fronts, the government and opposition, will act to prevent the masses
of employees to join and organize on the basis of their goals, such as the
request of a salary increase, a reduction of working hours, and a reduction in
retirement age. The president Daniel Ortega on April 22nd finally announced the
repeal of the reform. But roadblocks, barricades and clashes continued in the
month of May. Parts of the barricades were made by the "Movimiento Campesino Anticanal" (Anti-Canal Farmer Movement),
against the expropriation of the land. Looting also began in stores. Therefore,
the list of dead, injured and arrested has continued to grow. On May 13 a
caravan of vehicles, with great attendance, left from Managua for Masaya, in solidarity with that
city, where the clashes on Saturday the 12th had left at least 1 dead and about
150 wounded. On May 12th, the Army in a declaration appealed to
"nonviolence" and to the resumption of "dialogue." On May
14, the government announced to have authorized the Inter-American Human Rights
Commission to come and observe the situation in the country, after the death of
at least 54 demonstrators! It is certain that it is due to the courageous revolt
of the lower classes the success in the forced cancellation of the reform, at
least for the moment. However, in all this clash, although violent and general,
the independent participation of the working class has not yet emerged, nor
have its exclusive claims been heard, nor have its forms of struggle been
imposed, first of all the strike. The opposition is now pushing for the
resignation of Ortega or for the induction of elections. Whether after this
crisis the government of the FSLN remains in office, or whether its opponents
take control, Nicaraguan workers have nothing to foresee from either. As in the
rest of the world, they must traverse the path of unity and organization at the
base, to resume the claimed class struggle, outside of the unions of the regime
and of the appeals to electoral solutions, the defense of the homeland, and the
national economy, proclaimed by all the opportunists. Class Struggles in
Israeli Ports
For nearly five years, negotiations on port reform have been going on in
Israel, conducted by the dockers union, which is
affiliated with the Histadrut union confederation and without any results. As
time has passed, the construction of two new privately held ports, whose
opening is scheduled for 2021, has advanced a great deal, alongside the
existing publicly owned ones in Haifa and Ashdod. Obviously, the investment is so
the bourgeoisie, both foreign and domestic, can increase the rate of
exploitation of the port workers. Reform of the ports would involve a reduction
in jobs, more competition between the ports of call, a reorganisation of
pilots, tug boats and moorings, a deterioration in wage
The Communist Party #9 12 international-communist-party.org
conditions and greater freedom for dismissal. As often happens, the
bosses aim to break through on all fronts, with the hope of success in at least
some of them. The port of Ashdod, one of the most strategic sectors
for Israeli capitalism, has reported earnings of more than 200 million Israeli
Shekels (US$55,062,000, €46,944,000) in the last year alone. But it is also one
of the industrial centres with the highest rate of unionisation, nearly 100%.
In April 2018, tired of the endless and inconclusive negotiations, and worried
by the rumours in anticipation of the new ports opening, the patience of the
workers ended. A couple factors were the straws that broke the camel’s back.
First was the release of an audio recording in which the secretary of the
Federation of Transport Unions - Avi Edri - suggested that Histadrut was
willing to give in even if the demands of the union were not accepted during
the negotiations. The second is a judicial decree issued by the Labour Court which obliges dockers to recover
certain quotas of quantity and intensity of work. From the last week of April
through the beginning of May, there was a 20% drop in productivity compared
with the same period last year, a 39% increase in the time it takes to process
the goods arriving at the port, and therefore a decrease in profits. This data
- produced by a statistical office paid by the companies - was presented as
evidence of sabotage of production by workers. On the basis of the boss’
allegations, the Court issued a judgment where the dockworkers were accused of
implementing what is curiously called an "Italian-style strike", i.e.
a voluntary slowdown in work activity. The dockers were ordered to recover the
productivity allegedly lost and were warned not to take industrial action until
the negotiation process was underway. Thus on 9 May, without any prior notice
and without consulting the Histadrut, the dockers of Ashdod and Haifa, led by
the leaders of their trade union, left their jobs in an organized way,
completely paralysing port activity, without establishing a deadline for the
strike and, therefore, ripping up the court’s decree. The bosses, as always
happens in these cases, have begun to scream in their powerful press, about the
damage to the economy of the country, the huge amounts of damaged and
irrecoverable goods, astronomical losses every day, the rule of law, democracy,
and the Histadrut as a necessary union collaborator. The judiciary promptly
declared the strike illegal, ordering the workers to "immediately stop the
action" and warning the Histadrut to "apply its organizational power
to force the dockers back to work". A valuable demonstration of the nature
of this trade union confederation. The workers, using the methods of class
struggle - autonomously and against the wishes of the all trade unions who have
sold out to capital - found themselves facing all the ideological and
repressive weapons of the ruling class. Starting with the collaborationist
trade unions, passing to the mass media and supposed experts from the middle
class. Finally on to brute repression, be it the judicial, the police, prison and,
if necessary, the army. The next day, May 10th, in the face of the continuation
of the strike, the court gave a mandate to the police to search for and arrest
the leaders of the dockers union. The Secretary of the Federation of Transport
Unions, who is a member of the Histadrut confederation, stated that the leaders
being sought were "untraceable" but that the confederation would
"work as closely as possible with all available means to achieve a
dialogue with them" (from the Histadrut online newspaper "Davar
Rishon", May 11th). The judiciary, in Israel, like everywhere, is proclaimed by
the bourgeois left as a bulwark of that counterrevolutionary
myth of democracy. The courts have shown their nature by attacking the
workers who dared to break out of a legal cage built in defence of the
bourgeois regime of exploitation. The courts, criminalising and attacking the
struggles of these proletarians with repression. "What has happened -
Judge Ilan Atikh, vice-president of the National Labour Court and signatory of
the judicial decree said to the bourgeois economic daily "Calcalist"
on May 13th - is something unthinkable in a rule of law (...) it is not a
particular issue but of national order (...) is something that can not go
unnoticed". We fully agree with this eminent member of the bourgeois
regime. But we believe that we can aim even higher and more precisely: this is
not a national issue but an international one and, above all, a class issue. It
must not be passed over in silence, but must be brought to the attention of
workers beyond national borders. When the workers return to using the methods
of class struggle, when they defend their class interest against that of the
bourgeoisie, whose class interests are passed off as universal, it is something
unthinkable for any capitalist regime, in that it is too dangerous - as well as
unsustainable - to immediately take off the democratic mask and show the real
face of capitalism’s dictatorship. The National Labour Court has fined the Dock Workers Union
leadership with disproportionately harsh fines of €25,000 each. The police have
been ordered to search for them. They have also given them their final
judgment, threatening imprisonment, as well as an increase in their fines for
every hour the strike continues. The Histadrut, for the entire duration of the
strike, did not move a finger to help the dockers, placing a barrier between
the federation and the dockers’ struggle. They worked to isolate it in order to
help the bourgeois regime defeat it. Thus showing once again the federation’s
nature as a union servile to Capital. This was confirmed by a statement of one
of the federation’s leaders, confirming those of the magistrate: "For the
Histadrut, the rule of law and respect for the law are a fundamental principle"
("Ynetnews", 10 May), to which the living and working conditions of
the proletariat are subject, we add. The repressive action combined with the
isolation imposed by the Israeli regime union accomplished it’s aim of helping
the bosses in trouble and on May 12th, after three consecutive days of total
blockade of port activities and a demonstration lasting until late at night,
with hundreds of workers outside of the court, the strike was suspended. Before
this outcome, the return to using the methods of class struggle was a victory
in itself for the working class, which has been able to see how democracy is a
mask of the political dominion of the bourgeoisie. It also showed how the
Histadrut central trade union is an impediment to effective struggles, rather
than a useful tool for this purpose. In the following days, the Dockers asked
the Histadrut to declare a legal strike, threatening to leave the Confederation
if it wasn’t declared. They also demanded the Secretary of the Transport
Federation - the Avi Edri mentioned above - to resign. The Histadrut, having
achieved its real goal, began the procedure declaring the strike on June 12th.
But on June 10th, the relevant governmental body refused to issue the permit.
The employers continued to complain about the fall in production rates.
Histadrut, for its part, is on the verge of losing control of the workers,
which we hope will happen as soon as possible. Such a collapse allows for the
construction of a trade union organisation that does not claim, as the various
puppets of the capitalist regime do, the “rule of law” and “legality” but the
use of class methods of struggle: strikes without warning, to the bitter end,
without minimum services.
The Communist Party #9 13 international-communist-party.org
ICP Work in Italian Rank And File Unions No Job Security If You’re in
the Working Class on the Second Congress of the USB
(continued from previous issue) We will now go more deeply into the
trade union policy that emerged from the congress. In its communiqués the USB states that it wants to build a
great class union. But from what appears in the confederal congress document –
which also informs the congress documents of the different categories – the
leadership aspires instead to build an organization which oversteps the confines
of the working class – the sphere within which the trade union traditionally
operates, and which, in our view, needs to be preserved to ensure its healthy
development – to the point that it loses its class character and adopts
“popular”, interclassist features. What is indicated in the introduction to the
document as the organization’s general objective is: “To build a general
confederation of all of the working and nonworking sectors of society that are
today caught in the vicelike grip of neo-liberalism”. The words are never
chosen at random and they express political positions that are reflected in
well-defined practical policies. We would have written this instead: “To build
a general confederation of all wage workers, in and out of work, who are exploited
and oppressed by capitalism”. The USB leadership’s way of expressing things is
different from ours because it entails a different policy both as regards
organization and practical action. With the formula “social sectors of society”
it means to include not only waged workers but also some selfemployed workers,
broadly speaking “on a low income”, such as the small farmers, small
shopkeepers, street peddlers and taxi drivers that the USB is already organizing in some
cities. Then are included not only sacked workers, casual workers, working
students, or those whose job contract has expired, but generically “those who
aren’t working”, a category which lends itself to infinite stratification:
students who are not workers, members of the petty bourgeoisie fallen on hard
times, lumpen proletarians… This policy is expressed in the document by
repeatedly using the terms “social class” and “social bloc” as though they were
interchangeable: “A militant trade union that reassembles an entire social
bloc”, is the title of the document’s final section; “The construction of a
social bloc involves the production of a new class consciousness, that has
adapted to the features of contemporary society” is stated at another point.
This extension of the trade union’s organizational range beyond the confines of
the toiling class is justified, according to the USB leadership, on the grounds of the
changes within contemporary capitalism and its impact on the class. The
congress document correctly criticises and rejects “the hackneyed notion of the
disappearance of the working class”, noting that on the international level the
number of wage workers is enormous and still rising; that “in the
industrialized countries, faced with a reduction in the number of workers
employed in manufacturing and mining (…) we are witnessing a process of
“workerization” of largescale commercial distribution and care services and
“intellectual work too” is undergoing a process of “proletarianization both
from a wages and organizational standpoint”. However the analysis of the USB leaders becomes openly duplicitous
when it tries to convince us that the increase in job insecurity experienced by
an ever greater portion of the working class is blurring the boundaries of the
class to the extent of transforming it into a generic “social precariate of
temporary employees”, which forms a “social bloc”, of which the working class
is just a part, albeit the most important part. The document in fact is keen to
emphasize the most recent “novelties” in the field of flexible working: “the
new forms of work like ‘smart working’ […] have a devastating effect (…) The
impact on the condition of the worker is isolation in his working and social
life (…) New forms of super-exploitation are on the increase, above all of the
young […] a world without permanent jobs or rights […] All this produces a
social condition in which fulfilling your needs becomes impossible in the face
of crushing material circumstances, which cannot be changed unless collective
social demands are made and there is an ‘organized subjectivity’.” Meanwhile we
say that the ‘precariate’ to whom the USB leadership refers, along with sacked workers
and pensioners, are simply other divisions of the working class, just waiting
to be reintegrated into the union as such. We note in addition that the
analysis of the USB leaders exaggerates somewhat by painting an unduly negative picture
(“The new forms of work have a devastating effect”). An extreme vision which is
useful in justifying their erroneous position and which reveals a lack of
confidence in the working class, in its capacity to arouse itself from its
current position of weakness and overcome these divisions, even if they
continue to be exposed to the same old ideological rubbish from the
bourgeoisie, who as ever peddle their threadbare dreams of a working class that
has magically disappeared, leaving behind a society of robotic individuals
eternally submitted to the whims of capital. Yes, capitalism does fragment the
working class, impose isolation and individualism and does try to atomize class
identity, all of which makes the organization of workers more difficult. But
this constant state of insecurity and precariousness, of being alone against
the overwhelming power of capital and the bosses, that is, precisely the
working class condition, and always has been. The only exception has been a few
decades of post-war economic boom in a very few countries. And the function of
the trade union is and has always been precisely to alleviate this condition by
means of a collective effort.
The Communist Party #9 14 international-communist-party.org
ICP Work in Italian Rank And File Unions It was during a period of far
greater job insecurity than now that the early trade union organizations came
into being. The working class has been able to organize under much worse
conditions than the present, and it will do so again in the future. As to the
most recent forms of ‘flexible working’, it has certainly not guaranteed
employers who have used it any immunity from workers’ struggles; the most
recent example being what happened last year among the delivery workers of
Foodora and Deliveroo in Italy, Spain, Belgium and England. Finally, if it is
true that out-sourcing and contractual fragmentation within the big firms present
a difficult obstacle for the collective organization of workers to overcome,
nevertheless, the sharing of a common workplace remains a powerful,
irrepressible material factor which, if effective trade union work is carried
out, is bound to sooner or later shatter the bosses’ dream of a permanently
weak and divided workforce. What the labor movement needs is not alliances with
other social strata and classes, but to engage in the tough, serious work of
rebuilding unity on the basis of trade union struggle. The proletariat is a
slumbering giant which is only temporarily weakened, when it recovers its
strength it will once again strike fear into the ruling classes. Oppose Class
Divisions by Organizing on a Territorial Basis How does the USB leadership propose to combat the
divisions that weaken the working class? “If work no longer constitutes the
most natural and immediate terrain on which to get organized because one is
unemployed or retired, or because one only works for a few hours or on one’s
own, or because the activity is too irregular, it will be the locality and the
shared condition of precariousness which will form the links on which to build
new coalitions and new collective relationships.” It might appear that the road
to territorial organization of the union is finally being indicated here. Among
the essential pillars of our party’s trade union policy is the one which refers
back to the experience of the original Chambers of Labour (Camere del Lavoro),
which were territorial organizational centres of the labour struggle. Workers
gathering within a territorial framework would meet with workers from other
companies and from other sectors and trades; there they would recognize each
other not just as employees of such an such a firm, but also and above all as
members of the same class. This helped overcome the narrow horizons of the firm
and the trade and favoured class unity. The USB would be making an very important
and positive change if it placed the union’s territorial framework at the
centre of its activity because up to now that hasn’t been the case. Most union
activity has been expended at the company level; it begins there and ends
there. The union’s offices are hardly ever visited by its members, militants or
even its representatives. Meetings of its representatives are often held in the
workplace and not in the territorial office. Only rarely do the provincial
co-ordinations meet. Obviously we don’t want to deny the difficulties involved
in getting workers to participate in union life, but nor do we want to deny the
responsibility of the union as a whole for their failure to carry out
systematic work among its militants and representatives with a view to
increasing their awareness of the need to emerge from the strictures of a
purely company based trade union activity. Real Centralization or
Organizational Rigidity The need to place at the union’s territorial framework
at the centre of the union’s organization is, as we have stated, a central
plank of our party’s union policy. This point we recently underlined at the
first congress of the SI Cobas in May 2015, pointing out that it would be a
good idea to modify the union’s statute which declares: “The underlying
structure of the SI COBAS is the Comitato di Base (Cobas)”, reformulating it
as: “The union arises in the places of work, where the Cobas’s are based, but
the intercompany territorial bodies, the provincial coordinations, are what
constitute its underlying structure.” This seems to us the best way to convey
how the trade union organization can raise itself from the level of the Cobas
to that of the class union. This objective the USB leadership reckons it has already
achieved. And that might appear true if we restricted ourselves to observations
on the USB’s organizational structure, which
is formally defined and centralized; elements which are certainly necessary and
useful for a class union. But this formal centralization, in order to have any
real substance, must be capable of maintaining itself in two ways, not just
from top to bottom but by ensuring real participation on the part of militants
and union representatives in union life. Where instead the bulk of union
activity continues to devolve mainly on the union’s representatives and
officials, without the development of an intermediate strata of militants
between them and the rankand-file members, and without sufficient participation
on the part of the latter, then organizational formalities count for very
little in terms of enhancing union growth. And they can become downright
dangerous when used to impose the leadership’s line without any proper
discussion within the union, a typical example of which was when a small group
within the union leadership decided, within the space of a week, to subscribe
to the TUR. (TheTesto Unico sulla Rappresentanza Sindacale - Unified Text on
Trade Union Representation - which came into effect in January 2014, is
effectively an agreement between the regime workers’ Unions on the one hand and
the bosses’ Confederation - the so-called “Confindustria” - on the other. It
defines the “rules on trade-union representation”, establishing, among other
things, that the right to be included in the trade union representation at the
company level, and to participate in the national CCNL negotiations, is
conditional on agreeing to limitations on the freedom to strike.) The
reconstitution of a network of union territorial organizations, a new network
of Chambers of Labour, would today be especially useful given the contractual
fragmentation described in the confederal congress
The Communist Party #9 15 International-communist-party.org
ICP Work in Italian Rank And File Unions document. Union reps and
militants in medium-sized and large companies could get together with their
counterparts in smaller firms, to which an ever increasing part of their
company’s work is contracted out, and thus help to rebuild labour unity in the
workplace. Also workers in the many small firms spread throughout the territory
would find they had an organizational focus. Organizing and bringing together
unemployed and retired workers together in these centres would help them
maintain links with those who are still working. By going down this road the
re-emergence of a working class identity would also be encouraged. Who it is
that the USB wants to organize on a territorial basis however is those workers whose
working situation is most insecure alongside groups and strata in society who
do not belong to the working class, who with it supposedly constitute the
“social precariate” and consequently the so-called “social bloc”. Such it is
that instead of encouraging class unity and the rediscovery of its identity the
opposite proves to be the case: Those workers who, due to contractual
conditions or their activity or because unemployed or retired, have the most
difficulty integrating into the class and identifying with it are further
alienated by being associated with selfemployed workers of various types and
with an array of interclassist movements (students, service users, etc); The
divide between part-time/agency/temp workers and workers in full-time or
relatively more secure work is further accentuated; Since temps are more likely
to be young, it also drives a wedge between them and older workers, resulting
in precious energy which could have been spent on union work being diverted
into movements of the so-called “Social bloc”, of petty bourgeois and
lumpen-proletarian origin. The Union and the ‘Social Movements’ A class union
is right to denounce the injustices of this reactionary and inhuman society and
to express solidarity, in practical ways as well, with whoever rebels against
it, but it is not designed to deal with all of capitalism’s ills. The union is
the organization which workers use to defend themselves economically, and it
would be denying its function if it altered its constitution to encompass and
provide leadership to a whole range of other types of organizations and
movements. It would be detrimental to the unity of the wage-earning class and
the building of its organization and it is doomed to failure. At the very least
the union should first dedicate its strength and energy – of which there is
never enough – to the objective which gave rise to it, that is, to increase in
size and only then, once it has set down firm roots, should the problem of
cautiously entering into relations with movements on the margins of the working
class be broached. To try to cram into the union variegated social types,
belonging to different social strata and classes, only appears useful to those
who naïvely subscribe to the idea that greater numbers necessarily corresponds
with a stronger organization. But such a mixture of often conflicting
conditions and interests is impossible to synthesize and can only end up by
damaging the organization of the labour struggle. The class of wage-earners,
however divided it is by the bosses and its various machinations, is united by
a profound common interest: opposition to the selling of its labour power for
less. The defence of wage levels and working conditions, under its various
aspects of struggle against the extension of the working day and for its
reduction, struggle against the intensification of the pace of work, against
redundancy and dismissal, and in defence of the social wage, pensions and
benefits, it is this which unites all workers and overcomes all barriers. This
is the union’s job, and if it thinks it can take on other ones as well then it
won’t function properly. The task of bringing about the general transformation
of society, of finding a remedy for its many contradictions and injustices,
that is a function that only the party can perform, by taking political power,
which for communists can only be achieved by revolutionary means. The community
of interests that unites the working class is not found among the various
so-called ‘social’ or petty bourgeois movements. The workers’ movement is
capable of equipping itself with organizations which endure for years or
decades, organized at the national and even international level, of launching
strikes which cover an entire national territory, and which encompass an entire
sector or even the class as a whole. It is a movement which originates in and
hits at capitalism’s vital core, the production of surplus value (profits,
rents, interest). Even when a part of the wage-earning class which is not
directly involved in the production of surplus value goes on strike, public
sector workers for instance, the capitalist regime in its various
manifestations is always arrayed against it, due to its innate, and
justifiable, fear of any strengthening of the trade union organization and the
class movement. Meanwhile, movements exterior to the working class, of the
so-called ‘social’ variety, come into conflict with workers’ organizations both
because their aims are not the same and because of the extempore methods they
use ‘to protest’. What is more the working class – even if today in its current
weakened condition the opposite might appear to be the case – has a specific
character of its own, one that is distinct from the rest of the society; it is
a character within which we communists can discern, among the many defects
generated by being subjugated to capital, the seeds of genuine rebellion
against the present society, and also the society of the future: the negation
and overcoming of both Capital and wage labour, of the bourgeois condition as
much as the proletarian one. For us the working class isn’t a ‘reference point’
– a horrible expression used in the congress document which smacks of a
‘marriage of convenience’ and is typical of opportunism – but is simply “our
class”. Jealously protective of it we want it to be independently organized and
separated from the negative influences of the petty bourgeoisie and irrelevant
social classes. This is also made clear on the theoretical plane. One of
Marxism’s fundamental arguments is that the dominant ideology is ruling class
ideology. Within the working class,
The Communist Party #9 16 international-communist-party.org
ICP Work in Italian Rank And File Unions too, the bourgeois ideology prevails,
although not as completely as outside it. Fighting this ideology inside the
working class is already quite difficult enough without trying to achieve the
organizational union of the workers with other groups, ranks, strata and
classes; frankly, it just does the ruling class a favour, by making the
penetration of their ideology amongst the working class that much easier.
Either you make a commitment to uniting working class actions and organization
– and creating a working class identity in the process – or you undermine that
task by diverting precious energy into building ‘a social bloc’, a ruse devised
by political and trade union opportunism to create an entity which will be
forever incapable of deciding which direction it wants to go in. The ‘Social
Issues Federation’ This line adopted by the USB leadership is not new. We have
already alluded to its earlier incarnation as the ‘metropolitan union’, which
was how it was described to the national assembly of the RdB-CUB in May 2009; the one which sanctioned
the end of the “Patto di Base” – the rankand-file pact – and the split between
the RdB and CUB. The arguments used by the USB national co-ordinator (still in post now) at
the time are analogous to the ones being used now: “The world of work – he announced
– has been radically transformed. There exists a whole swathe of people who
don’t have a physical place of work (…) or only for a few months at a time”.
And he suggested breaking with “the hegemony of pure trade unionism” so as to
embrace “practices which are different but absolutely fit-for -purpose that are
proving their worth in the cities and the social sector”. For this reason the
Assembly should have produced “a proposal for a political/organizational
synthesis with a corresponding larger general assembly of rank-andfile trade
unionism, open to social movements and social activists who believe it to be
useful and who want to link up with it”. The second USB congress has taken this
inter-classist line a step further. If in May 2009 the proposal was to make
overtures to the social movements, that is for the union to have some kind of
relationship with them, what is being suggested now is that they should be
organized in the union itself by creating an appropriate “organizational
setting” for them: the Federazione del Sociale, (‘Social Issues Federation’).
The USB leadership attributes such a degree
of importance to this new structure that it refers to it in the congress
document as the organization’s “third limb”, along with the USB Lavoro Privato and the USB Pubblico Impiego (Its private and
public sector branches). Particularly clear about the duties that the union’s
new structure should take on was a representative of the National Executive who
spoke at the first congress of the USB pensioners’ organization on May 10th: “A new
entity which we are going to set up will be utilized by and be the home for all
that is […] self-employment”. The final document approved by the national
congress, within the Federazione del Sociale, to ASIA USB (Tenants and Residents Association)
and the USB Pensionati it has added a new
entity: the SLANG, the “Sindacato lavoratori autonomi di nuove generazione” – Union of the New Generation of
Self-employed Workers. Since companies use self-employed labour as a way of
avoiding taking new workers onto the payroll, thereby cutting labour costs, it
is right that the union should get involved in the battle to raise the
conditions of these workers to the level of full-time workers. Thus is it is
necessary to organize temporary workers and those on short-term contracts
within the same organizations as those to which the rest of the workers in the
company belong. But with SLANG a framework will be created in which
selfemployed labour is organized separately. Thus there is the risk that the
Federazione del Sociale will aggravate the isolated position in which
self-employed workers find themselves, by abandoning them to the influence of
nonworking class groups and strata. The brief of the Federazione del Sociale is
to take charge of organizing and supporting a diverse group of inter-classist
movements, ranging from users of social services, to environmentalists, to
those involved in inner city regeneration schemes. The young temporary workers,
the unemployed workers, and the pensioners who are supposed to be part of it
will end up wasting their energy in activities that are nothing to do with
trade union struggle and which are imbued with interclassism. Temporary and
retired workers, instead of imbuing a sense of solidarity and power of their
working class, and being welcomed into its organizational embrace, will instead
be pushed towards the desperate impotent world of the déclassé. Class tradition
dictates that unemployed and retired workers, rather than being organized in
separate organizations, should be organized in the unions of the category to
which they originally belonged, thus maintaining their connection with active
workers and with union activity. Our party fought for this kind of
organizational approach within the CGIL when, up to the late 1970s, it was
still calling upon militants to fight within this union, denouncing for example
the separate organization of retired workers in the Pensioner’s union (the SPI). The creation of the USB pensionati is going down the same
road as the SPI, with the additional aggravating circumstance that not only are retired
workers now to be separated from active workers on an organizational level, but
also as regards their activity, with the emphasis being put on supporting the
work in the “social movements” instead of in the trade unions. The Trade Union
Movement and the Political Parties The USB’s intervention in the “social
movements” didn’t begin with the formation of the Federazione del Sociale but,
as the congress document itself explains, was the outcome of previous
experimental forays, beginning with the “sindacato metropolitano” as it was
called, followed by the “confederalita sociale”. And yet this activity, in
contrast with its declared objectives, has never been particularly strong, has been
present only in a few localities, and is poorly organized. The problem is that
even this sphere of activity, in
The Communist Party #9 17 International-communist-party.org
ICP Work in Italian Rank And File Unions which the leadership wants the
union to get increasingly involved, requires energy which is in short supply,
which makes the choice of not concentrating what little, previous energy there
is on proper class-based trade union work all the more wrong. Therefore,
setting aside our critique of the leadership’s overambitious projects to commit
the union to engaging with the social movements and with self-employed labour,
and the fact we do not share those objectives, it must be taken into account
that even their partial realization will be far from easy and cannot be taken
for granted. Although this should reassure us, that is only partly the case,
for reasons we will go on to explain. It is necessary in fact to understand
these movements better and how the trade unions, not only the USB, relate to them. Whereas in the
class camp, groups of workers from within the wage-earning class sign up to
their union irrespective of the ideological or political loyalties, propelled
by the need to defend their own living and working conditions, in the “social movement”
camp, on the other hand, the intervention of the union is often mediated
through a relationship with bodies that already operate within the sector and
which, despite presenting themselves as “social”, are instead political, i.e.,
collectives, social centres, etc. We come against the myriad groups of the
socalled “movement”, adjectiveless insofar as it is not a workers’ movement. It
is a characteristic phenomenon of imperialism, the final phase of capitalism,
and expresses the inconclusive agitating of the intermediate social strata, of
the middle classes, cultivated by each national capitalism, in proportion to
its power, useful insofar as they attenuate the opposition between the working
class and the bourgeoisie, to whom is left some economic space by the ephemeral
wellbeing and heightened morale brought about by the temporary weakness of the
working class. The phenomenon re-appeared in Italy and other countries with a mature
capitalism from around 1968. By intervening in this camp therefore, each union
encounters, as distinct from what happens in inter-union relations, “political
entities” , and it goes without saying that each union leader contrives to
establish relations with those groups with whom he or she has a political
affinity. In the end, behind all the theoretical justifications and ambitious
projects regarding the “social bloc”, which are unrealistic and of minimal
importance, the practical effect that counts – and this is an open secret – is the
mundane creation of a new repertoire of manoeuvres which can be deployed in
demonstrations, and a base of support within the union, useful to the
leadership in pursuing its petty political schemes. Because, naturally enough,
the “third limb” of the union will have a certain weight in terms of its
delegates, within the confederal, territorial and national bodies. And since
these are chosen on the basis of a process of political selection, already they
give, and will continue to give, the leadership a greater guarantee it can
successfully impose its policies on the union. This stirring in of the union
leaders with the “social movements” leads to the union becoming characterised
politically in a certain way, not as a result of a maturation of the working class
in that direction, but quite the opposite, because it is going to exacerbate
the opposition between the various rank-and-file organizations and therefore
hold back the class struggle…
Übersetzungen und Hervorhebungen
von Auszügen der Internationalen„Kommunistischen“ Partei und meine Bemerkungen
dazu. Brigitte Queck